
Welcome to our open-source demo!

Created by the Ethereum Ecosystem team, this web app is a foundation for building and sharing onchain reviews. It features an Attestation-Based Dapp Rating System, like Yelp for dApps, where users can review decentralized apps they've used and see others' reviews. All reviews are 100% onchain, ensuring transparency and accessibility thanks to the Ethereum Attestation Service.

These reviews can be integrated by platforms like Optimism, Mode, and Base to enhance their ecosystem pages with minimal coding. This demo is easy to fork and customize, allowing developers to create their own unique onchain review app.

Why are onchain reviews important?

Assist your peers.
Your feedback on Ethereum apps and tools helps build a knowledge base that benefits the entire community, making it easier for everyone to find the right solutions.
Gain recognition.
Thoughtful and detailed reviews can position you as a knowledgeable authority within the Ethereum space.
Voice your experience.
Whether you’ve discovered an app that enhances your workflow or struggled with one that falls short, your insights are important. Let others know what works and what doesn’t.

Frequently asked questions